2020 Intelligence Awards Banquet
Due to current restrictions this event is postponed, please check back for updated information.
Celebrate the Future Leaders of the Intelligence Community
Banquet Sponsors

National Intelligence Awards Banquet
Hilton McLean, Tyson's Corner
Due to current restrictions, this event is postponed. Please check back for updated information.
In light of the current COVID-19 situation, the NMIF Board has decided to postpone the awards banquet. This decision was not made lightly as these celebrated individuals are a source of continued inspiration and deserve to be recognized. We appreciate your support to the Awards Banquet, the national awards, and also to the NMIF scholarships. Please contact us with any questions at admin@nmif.org.
Thank you for your continued support.
The NMIF Board of Directors
Each year the National Military Intelligence Foundation and the U.S. Military Intelligence Community recognize outstanding performances by our civilian, enlisted, and officer military intelligence professionals. Recognition goes to individuals from all the Services, the Guard and Reserves, and the Military Intelligence Agencies. Selections for the awards are made by the Services and participating Intelligence Agencies. Attendees at the banquet will include members of the Intelligence Community and senior representatives of the Military Intelligence Organizations.
The banquet is the nation's premier event to support and acknowledge the impressive contributions of the U.S. Military Intelligence community and the individual accomplishments of its all-star professionals. In addition, NMIF will announce the winners of their Intelligence and National Security scholarships, and recognize these outstanding university students.
Sponsor Opportunities
If you are interested in one of the following sponsorship opportunities please contact
Deb Davis, admin@nmif.org or 434-542-5929