2020 Intelligence Awards Banquet
Due to current restrictions this event is postponed, please check back for updated information.
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NMIF Scholarship
We are no longer accepting applications. Winners will be announced shortly.
The National Military Intelligence Foundation (NMIF) is pleased to announce its annual competition for scholarships to support students pursuing courses of study and formal degrees in intelligence studies and related disciplines.
The awards for this year’s scholarship will be dependent on the donations received throughout the year. In addition to providing a grant to academic institutions to be applied to the winning applicants’ tuition, each award will be accompanied by an invitation to attend the NMIF Awards Banquet to be held at the McLean Hilton Hotel, McLean, VA on 17 May 2020. All applications are due by 30 June 2020.
To be eligible for consideration, the following criteria shall be applied:
Standing: Applicants for the NMIF Merit Scholarship must be Juniors, Seniors or Graduate students at the time of application. For purposes of scholarship consideration, a Junior is defined to be an undergraduate who has completed not less than 48 semester hours or 90 quarter hours of academic credits from an accredited post-secondary educational institution. A Senior is defined to be an undergraduate who has completed not less than 72 semester hours or not less than 130 quarter hours of academic credits from an accredited post-secondary educational institution. A Graduate student for purposes of this scholarship competition is defined as a student who has been awarded a Bachelor’s degree or equivalent from an accredited post-secondary educational institution and is pursuing a Master’s Degree, a Doctoral Degree, a professional degree in law, medicine, or business. Candidates pursuing a second Bachelor’s degree are eligible for consideration as pursuing an undergraduate degree as a Junior or Senior.
Status: Applicants must be considered full-time students. For purposes of this scholarship competition, a full-time undergraduate or graduate student shall be enrolled in an accredited post-secondary institution for not less than 12 semester hours or not less than 15 quarter hours. Undergraduates who are not considered Juniors or who have not completed at least 48 semester hours or 90 quarter hours are not eligible to compete in this year’s competition. Candidates for professional certificates in lieu of accredited masters, doctoral or other professional degrees are not eligible to compete in this year’s competition.
Awards may be applied to Summer Study 2020, Fall Semester/Fall Quarter 2020-2021 or Spring Semester/Spring Quarter 2021.
This competition is open to all eligible candidates; current and prior applicants with military or Intelligence Community experience are eligible to compete provided they are not receiving tuition assistance from the Government. Such experience may be helpful however the great majority of scholarships have been awarded in the past four years to applicants who had no prior military or government experience.
Scholarship Awards made by the Board of Directors of the National Military Intelligence Foundation shall be made solely at its discretion, and all decisions of the Board are final and are not subject to outside adjudication. All submissions shall become the property of the National Military Intelligence Foundation. Please direct any questions to scholarships@nmif.org.

For any questions or concerns, please fill out this form:
Awarded Scholarships
The 2019–2020 NMIF
Merit Scholarships Winners
The NMIF Lieutenant General James A. Williams Scholarship:
Ms. Elyse Keener attends Liberty University and is majoring in International Relations and Strategic Intelligence with a minor in Apologetics and Cultural Engagement.
Fecteau Family Scholarships:
Sarah Brown attends Patrick Henry College and is pursuing a degree in Strategic Intelligence/National Security
Kyle Weber attends Mercyhurst University and is majoring in Intelligence Studies with a minor in Arabic and Islamic Studies, and International Relations and Diplomacy
Steven Barnhard attends American Public University System and is pursuing a Graduate Certificate in Intelligence Studies.
Katherine Rahmlow who already holds a BA in International Relations from Hamilton College and a MA in Security Studies from Georgetown University is now pursuing an Executive Master’s in Public Administration Certificate of Advanced Study in Security Studies from Syracuse University.
Colonel Scott St. Cyr Scholarship:
Ethan Richie is studying at Virginia Tech. He is majoring in Political Science with minors in History, Leadership, and War and Society.
2017-2018 Scholarship Competition
The National Military Intelligence Foundation is pleased to announce the results of its 2017-2018 Scholarship Competition. This year a total of seven Scholarships and four Honorable Mentions were awarded to full-time students as follows:
The NMIF LTG (USA, Ret) James A. Williams Scholarship, valued at $3000 is awarded to Hannah H. Mayes, a senior at Mercyhurst University majoring in Intelligence Studies with a minor in Arabic & Islamic Studies. Ms. Mayes is also an analyst at the Center for Intelligence, Research, Analysis, and Training.
An NMIF Scholarship valued at $1000 is awarded to James I. Ratcliff, a senior at the University of Oklahoma-Norman, with dual majors in International Security and Arabic and a minor in Intelligence and National Security Studies.
An NMIF Scholarship valued at $1000 is awarded to Joseph R. Gale, a postgraduate student at Syracuse University seeking an MA in International Relations, with a specialization in Security Studies. He holds a BA in History from Stonehill College, speaks Italian and Turkish, and has been selected as a DIA intern.
The NMIF has awarded four Scholarships valued at $500 to the following students who achieved identical ratings:
Mousa Abusaif, a senior at George Mason University majoring in Government and International Politics with a minor in Middle East Studies. He is also a Legislative Affairs intern.
Taylor A. Alvarez, a post-Graduate student at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University majoring in Security and Intelligence Studies. She speaks Spanish and has a BA in Political Science from Armstrong State University.
Mark L. Barnes, is a postgraduate student at the Institute of World Politics who seeks an MA in Strategic Intelligence Studies. He has a BA in Political Science from UCLA and has been a Congressional intern.
Staff Sergeant Matthias F.R. Opitz, USAF (Reserve), is a postgraduate student at Bellevue University seeking an MS in International Security and Intelligence Studies. He holds a BS from Bellevue with the same major and a minor in Psychology. He has served three tours of duty in Afghanistan.
2016-2017 Scholarship Competition
The National Military Intelligence Foundation is pleased to announce the results of its 2016-2017 Scholarship Competition. This year, a total of five scholarships were awarded to full-time students as follows:
The NMIF James A. Williams Scholarship, valued at $3000, awarded to Cameron T. McCauley, a Junior at Embry Riddle Aeronautical University, majoring in Global Security and Intelligence Studies with a Minor in Mandarin Chinese. She also speaks Spanish;
A NMIF Scholarship valued at $2000 awarded to Kaley M. Morrison, a Junior attending Mercyhurst University with a dual major in Intelligence Studies and Russian Studies. She speaks Russian;
A NMIF Scholarship valued at $2000 awarded to Master Sergeant Patrick J. Dermady, U.S. Air Force, a Senior at Angelo State University majoring in Intelligence and Security Studies with a minor in Analysis. He is currently assigned to the 97th Operations Support Squadron, Altus AFB, OK;
A NMIF Scholarship valued at $1000 awarded to Marie S. De Bedout, a Graduate Student at the University of Alabama at Huntsville who is pursuing a degree in Earth Science Systems with a concentration in Remote Sensing and Geographical Information Systems. She speaks Spanish and Japanese;
A NMIF Scholarship valued at $1000 awarded to Courtney H. Connor enrolled as a Graduate Student at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies who will specialize in Nonproliferation and Terrorism Studies. She speaks Spanish, French, Mandarin Chinese and Basque.