2020 Intelligence Awards Banquet
Due to current restrictions this event is postponed, please check back for updated information.
Celebrate the Future Leaders of the Intelligence Community

The National Military Intelligence Foundation (NMIF) is dedicated to inspiring new generations of intelligence professionals, recognizing the success of current intelligence professionals, and sustaining the intelligence workforce needed to ensure the overall capability of the military intelligence function to support the national security of the United States of America.
With the support of our donors, NMIF awarded $37,000 in scholarships for the 2018-2019 academic year to nine undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in intelligence or national security related programs.
Provided below are brief profiles of our other winners, many of whom are either fluent in or studying the following languages: Arabic, Korean, Mandarin Chinese, Spanish, and Japanese.
Two students pursuing Master’s Degrees in Nonproliferation and Terrorism Studies at Middlebury Institute of International Studies
Two undergraduate students majoring in Intelligence Studies at Mercyhurst University
A senior at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln majoring in Psychology with minors in Arabic and Security Studies
A graduate student at Embry Riddle Aeronautical University seeking a Master’s Degree in Safety and Security Studies
An undergraduate student at Liberty University majoring in International Relations
A candidate for a Master’s Degree in Forensics and Psychology at Marymount University
Supporting students’ pursuit of undergraduate and graduate programs that lead to careers in the Intelligence Community remains a major priority for NMIF. You donations help NMIF make this happen.