2020 Intelligence Awards Banquet
Due to current restrictions this event is postponed, please check back for updated information.
Celebrate the Future Leaders of the Intelligence Community
A general donation to NMIF works to advance public awareness of the role of military intelligence organizations, disciplines, analytical methods and techniques, and personnel in support of United States national security, homeland security, counterintelligence, and related public safety activities. Specifically, NMIF focuses on:
(a) supporting the professional and organizational development of personnel and organizations engaged in military intelligence and related activities;
(b) recognizing outstanding individual, institutional, and corporate professional accomplishments in the disciplines, processes, and activities of military and related intelligence;
(c) providing scholarships, fellowships, and other forms of financial support to individuals participating in formal courses of study leading to degrees and other formal recognition; and
(d) conducting scholarly and professional activities including the publication of scholarly and lay periodicals.
NMIF is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Your contribution is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.