2020 Intelligence Awards Banquet
Due to current restrictions this event is postponed, please check back for updated information.
Celebrate the Future Leaders of the Intelligence Community
James Eden
Awards Committee Chair
National Military Intelligence Foundation
James Eden retired from the US Air Force in 1988 as a Lieutenant Colonel. He served as an Air Defense Master Weapons Controller and Operations Officer prior to transitioning to USAF Intelligence in 1970. He served 4 years as an Imagery Interpreter at the 544th ARTW at Hq Strategic Command then Graduated from the DIA Intelligence College in 1975. He also spent 4 years at the Foreign Technology Division in Ohio prior to being selected for
Squadron Command. He also served on the Hq USAF Intelligence (AF/IN) staff in several positions, including as Director Joint Staff Support (AF/INJ). He also completed Air War College and the Industrial College of the Armed Forces during that time. In 1984 he was assigned to the Director’s Staff Group in the Defense Intelligence Agency to provide direct support senior OSD leadership. In 1988 he retired from the USAF and accepted a position in DIA. He was selected to lead the DIA office that provided direct daily liaison and support to OSD. He traveled frequently with and provided DIA support to the Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs and the Undersecretary of Defense for Policy. He also supported every Secretary of Defense from Caspar Weinberger to Donald Rumsfeld. In 2004 he began a leading DIA Middle East North Africa Analysis Division during multiple crises in the region. He led the DIA Crisis Cell effort during Arab Spring, initiated and coordinated a new process with NSA that simplified access to key reporting. He retired from DIA in 2014 as MARC Chief of Foreign Engagements after 27 years of service. He is the recipient of the Directors Medal and holds a BA in Political Science and an MBA. In addition to his NMIF role, he is also on the Board of Directors for the Defense Intelligence Alumni Association.