2020 Intelligence Awards Banquet
Due to current restrictions this event is postponed, please check back for updated information.
Celebrate the Future Leaders of the Intelligence Community
Dr. William C. Spracher
National Military Intelligence Foundation
Dr. William C. Spracher is a Professor on the faculty of the National Intelligence University and currently heads the NIU Writing Center. Arriving in 2004 to work as a contracted editor in the research center of his alma mater (having graduated from the Defense Intelligence School in 1977 and the Defense Intelligence College in 1985), he has taught courses on Globalization, Social Analysis, Latin America, Peacekeeping & Stability Operations, Leadership & Management in the Intelligence Community, and Thesis Methodology. A career Military Intelligence and LATAM Foreign Area Officer, with early service in his detail branch Armor, he was Defense Attaché to Colombia (1995-98) and Army Attaché to Peru (1994-95), previously serving as a division chief in J2, U.S. Southern Command, in Panama and senior Latin America analyst for the Army Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence, G2, in the Pentagon. Bill holds a BS from the U.S. Military Academy, an MA in international relations from Yale University, an MMAS in political-military studies from the U.S. Army Command & General Staff College, and an EdD in higher education administration from George Washington University. His final tour prior to retirement as a colonel in 2000 was Military Professor/XO at the William J. Perry Center for Hemispheric Defense Studies, National Defense University. Earlier he was an Assistant Professor in USMA's Social Sciences Department teaching U.S. government, comparative politics, and Intelligence & public policy. He was a charter member of the National Military Intelligence Association (NMIA) in 1974, the FAO Association in 1995, and the International Association for Intelligence Education (IAFIE) in 2004, and is also active in the Intelligence Studies Section of the International Studies Association. Most recently, he was elected to the Board of Trustees of the Dwight D. Eisenhower Society in Gettysburg. Bill's hobbies are writing, military history, international travel, and singing both in his church choir and the West Point Alumni Glee Club, which often performs at the NMIF Intelligence Awards Banquet. He was honored to receive the Forrest R. Frank Award in 2018, presented annually for dedicated service to NMIF. Bill has served as editor of NMIF's American Intelligence Journal since 2009.