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The American Intelligence Journal

Most Recent Volume:

American Intelligence Journal

Vol 41 No 2

The ODNI at 20 Years

VOL 41 No 2

Call for Abstracts for Next Edition:

American Intelligence Journal

Vol 42 No 1

Intelligence Education, Training, and Professional Development

Call for Abstracts for Next Edition:

American Intelligence Journal

Vol 42 No 2

Professional Stewardship

Past Volumes (PDF)

Providing Professional Insight

The American Intelligence Journal is the flagship publication of NMIF and its predecessor, the NMIA. First published in the 1970s, the Journal's focus remains on education and professional development. We seek to augment both the capabilities and the performance of armed forces intelligence operators and their civilian counterparts.

The legal environment increasingly demands joint, interagency, and coalition approach to military and homeland security operations. Today, the military intelligence professional must be proficient in traditional and emerging disciplines, missions, and functions. The American Intelligence Journal offers readers an artful balance between the wisdom of scholars and the street smarts of practitioners. We also encourage international authors.

Intelligence operators need high-caliber reference material, free from an excessive emphasis on methodology and the limited access jargon now so prevalent in the academic media. The Journal is a trusted source. With plain language, we also amplify public understanding of the contributions military intelligence makes to national security and homeland defense.

The Journal features leading-edge work by authors throughout the wider Intelligence Community, the armed services, and academia. We have an active dialogue with the National Intelligence University, the National Defense University, the Senior Service Colleges, and American Military University to review and publish appropriate articles by their faculty and students. Pieces submitted for publication must pass a careful peer review process.


Interested in Submitting an Article?
The American Intelligence Journal is presently published twice a year. Guidance provided by the Editorial Review Board assures that the Journal retains its unique, instructive, and beneficial place among publications serving the military intelligence community and the American public. 

Authors interested in submitting an article to the Journal are encouraged to send an inquiry – with a short abstract of the text – to the Editor by e-mail at The Editor can provide additional information regarding upcoming volumes, deadlines, instructions, etc. Articles and inquiries may also be submitted in hard-copy to:


Christopher Bailey

American Intelligence Journal

PO Box 494

Earlysville, VA  22936


Comments, suggestions, and observations on the editorial content of the Journal are also welcomed. Questions concerning subscriptions, advertising, and distribution should be directed to 

© 2024 by The National Military Intelligence Foundation.

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